More than a sport, a real lifestyle.
Team sport par excellence, in Italy football has 1.136.960 registered players. Whether you play for sport or for passion, you need to equip yourself with the right clothing: shorts, t-shirt, socks, shin guards and shoes with spikes to play safely and freely.
Team sport par excellence, football is passion and sharing. Practicing it improves endurance, speed and balance, keeps the body in shape but also the mind. Practicing it with the right accessories is essential to avoid injuries.
Practiced both professionally and as an amateur, football is the most popular sport in the world. The reason lies in its simplicity: a ball is enough to practice it, as children from every corner of the planet do.
Of ancient origin, the modern version of football was born in England in the XIX century and from there it spread to Europe, South America and the rest of the world. Playing football is fun, but it's also beneficial: being based on running, it improves your heart and breathing skills. Continuous accelerations increase endurance, reflexes benefit and team spirit and solidarity are learned.
To play football in total safety, however, it is necessary to choose the right equipment and the correct shoes. It is essential to wear shin guards covered by socks and shoes chosen on the basis of the terrain.
Zinermann stores boast a rich offer of clothing and accessories for football in Livigno. Here you can buy balls, shoes and protections to practice sport in complete safety.
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